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Re: Ryan Adams - 3 discos nuevos en 2019 (Va a ser que no...
Pues me ha gustado el disco así de primeras. En su contra, que es largo, le hace falta tijera, y que creo que ya está abusando en exceso de auto repetirse con el sonido del homónimo y Prisoner... Con todo, hay buenas canciones. Que podría ser un disco de descartes... pero es que son descartes muy buenos.
Re: Ryan Adams - 3 discos nuevos en 2019 (Va a ser que no...
Reseña del nuevo disco a cargo de servidor. Me ha gustado mucho. El que más desde Prsioner: https://www.rockzonemag.com/ryan-adams- ... sco-nuevo/
Re: Ryan Adams - 3 discos nuevos en 2019 (Va a ser que no...
Ni un mes ha pasado desde que sacó "Chris" y acaba de publicar otro nuevo

Ryan Adams escribió:Ryan Adams new double album “Romeo & Juliet” is available for a limited time exclusively in the PAX-AM shop.
Romeo & Juliet
Records happen. Sometimes you have to wrestle them down like a bronco, other times you wake up to one song…..something you dreamt - and the next thing you know that song called all its friends over to a party. Without telling you. That’s exactly this.
Romeo & Juliet is a summer album. It’s maybe the first summertime album I’ve ever made, on purpose, front to back. It’s like the tall, long slightly mysterious sister to Easy Tiger. There’s a lot of room here and the stories all unwind like a long hot drive in the south with the windows down - sunshine blasting everything. And by the time the record ends it’s just early night - still blue notes in the dark purple patches of stars up the road hurling towards the hood of the car.
When this album is on vinyl, you’ll open the first page and it’ll just say “For Theo” because this is his album. This is his house.
He loved music so much and many of these songs had a bass part or vocal part being played with him asleep on my lap or curled up beside me. He was omnipresent when I made music or listener to albums. He is still. The others were made with him close by or on my mind. And the last few, made on his last few nights on earth - attentively listening to me play, eyes half closed with that low rumble of a purr. He was my best friend. He saved my life and loved me when I became a shadow to the world. That turned out to be the biggest gift I could have been given. That last couple years with him letting the days unspool - lost in the mirth.
These songs are about old loves, about Theo and about celebrating old loves and old friends that were here once and are now gone - in a big wreath of memory and monochromatic visions of times that go by too fast. It’s a summer album with summer chords and meant to be like that heat in the middle summertime where everything is so electric and so bright - and the world feels like another planet, a new neighborhood now alight and made of bright yellow and green halos. Squint and you’ll hear it.
One of my favorite albums ever and still to this day is Louder Than Bombs, a long 24 track album that although were once singles, came together in a new way to make this big beautiful sprawling album you could collapse into - and discover new things in over time. It lasted all summer and became like a summer memory by fall. By winter it was like a fireplace in my Walkman.
To me that is what Romeo & Juliet is. I dreamt that title song and dreamt a few after like “At Home With The Animals” and followed that river here - to this album -just as it is. One song at a time.
So with great love and affection and excitement, I pass it on to you now.
Ladies and Gentlemen….
“Romeo & Juliet.”
For Theo.
https://engage.squarespace-mail.com/r?m ... YxGoRKw%3D
Re: Ryan Adams
En una primera escucha me ha dejado la sensación de que por canciones podría ser un disco incluso mejor que Chris, pero necesita aún más tijera que aquel
Lo bueno es comprobar que el tio sigue siendo un genio a la hora de sacarse canciones de la manga con una facilidad pasmosa. Pero esto de sacar tantísimo material en tan poco tiempo... creo que juega un pelín en su contra. Y mira que me flipa la peña que va de ese palo superprolífica (mismamente King Gizzard), pero en su caso veo necesario algo de contención o alguien que le ponga un poco de freno y haga de filtro entre tanta producción.
Es que en apenas un mes de la más absoluta nada nos clavado dos discos dobles. Poca broma.

Lo bueno es comprobar que el tio sigue siendo un genio a la hora de sacarse canciones de la manga con una facilidad pasmosa. Pero esto de sacar tantísimo material en tan poco tiempo... creo que juega un pelín en su contra. Y mira que me flipa la peña que va de ese palo superprolífica (mismamente King Gizzard), pero en su caso veo necesario algo de contención o alguien que le ponga un poco de freno y haga de filtro entre tanta producción.
Es que en apenas un mes de la más absoluta nada nos clavado dos discos dobles. Poca broma.
Re: Ryan Adams
Pues ojo que parece que ya tiene otro a punto de salir. ¡Está que no para!
FM - the new album, coming this Summer.
Sign up to the official mailing list to get exclusive news first!
👉 ryanadams.ffm.to/site.ofp
Re: Ryan Adams
Pues me ha entrado bastante guay este FM. Un disco corto, sencillo y directo, que ya iba tocando, aunque siga anclado en el sonido 80's. Perfecto para el verano.
Re: Ryan Adams
Este me ha gustado un poco menos que los tres o cuatro ultimos, pero vamos sus tres temas para la compilacion de ryan adams ya se los he sacado.
Re: Ryan Adams
Como el amigo lleva un año sobrio, para celebrarlo... ¡otro disco! ¡y esta vez gratis!

💭 Ryan Celebrates One Year of Sobriety today:
To my fans,
Today I want to say THANK YOU and I love you, in the language we speak to each other - with music. DEVOLVER is for you, please feel free to download for free - this is your party and this album is me celebrating you.
In my darkest moments you lifted me up, creatively and personally and that love was instrumental in how I got here today, to safety and in a place of healing - one year sober.
Please accept this album as token of my appreciation for all the love you have shown me through the years, for your encouragement to continue on when I didn’t think I could and for standing with me, rebuilding this dream house brick by brick.
Sometimes the trick is to strip it all back, to keep it so simple life has a way to throw you some curb balls - to devolve back into the apeman and embrace the wild spirit in our bones. This is that album and it has been my honor to have been given the chance to find myself and be myself fully - embracing my music and my life as it comes - in its own way - free of the patterns of the past.
So thank you. This one’s for you.
You are truly loved and appreciate with all that I am.
DEVOLVER free download link: ryanadams.ffm.to/devolver.ofp

💭 Ryan Celebrates One Year of Sobriety today:
To my fans,
Today I want to say THANK YOU and I love you, in the language we speak to each other - with music. DEVOLVER is for you, please feel free to download for free - this is your party and this album is me celebrating you.
In my darkest moments you lifted me up, creatively and personally and that love was instrumental in how I got here today, to safety and in a place of healing - one year sober.
Please accept this album as token of my appreciation for all the love you have shown me through the years, for your encouragement to continue on when I didn’t think I could and for standing with me, rebuilding this dream house brick by brick.
Sometimes the trick is to strip it all back, to keep it so simple life has a way to throw you some curb balls - to devolve back into the apeman and embrace the wild spirit in our bones. This is that album and it has been my honor to have been given the chance to find myself and be myself fully - embracing my music and my life as it comes - in its own way - free of the patterns of the past.
So thank you. This one’s for you.
You are truly loved and appreciate with all that I am.
DEVOLVER free download link: ryanadams.ffm.to/devolver.ofp
Re: Ryan Adams
Si eres fan de Ryan Adams y King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard tienes el año solucionado ya sólo con ellos 

Re: Ryan Adams
Fuel escribió:Si eres fan de Ryan Adams y King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard tienes el año solucionado ya sólo con ellos
Yo soy fan de ambos y, efectivamente, podría vivir todo el año solo con sus discos

Bueno, y si fuesen buenos, también podríamos meter los de Weezer

Re: Ryan Adams
Me ha parecido el peor de los cuatro o cinco ultimos, bueno no, directamente de lo peor que ha sacado, rock de ese antipatico, guitarras cansinas, a mitad de disco parece que remonta un poco, pero no lo suficiente, de los otros discos que ha publicado este año, he sido capaz de sacar unos cuantos temas por disco para mi recopilatorio de ryan adams, pero bueno, es un privilegio que cada año saque tres o cuatro discos, yo ya no los escucho sueltos, prefiero escuchar el best of personal que suelo hacer de mis artistas favoritos.
Re: Ryan Adams
Ahí va mi reseña del último. De lo mejor que lleva en este año, que ya es decir: https://www.rockzonemag.com/ryan-adams- ... vo-review/
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