• Finntroll se quedan sin cantante

    Publicado el 30 de Enero de 2006 por Jorge Perez
    0 Comentarios
    Los finlandeses Finntroll han decidido prescindir de su cantante Tapio Wilska por diferencias personales. Podéis leer un comunicado de Tapio (en inglés) en el interior de la noticia.

    "With a heavy heart I bring you the following news: In a band meeting one hour ago I was fired as a singer of Finntroll. Reasons are many and for the most part private, but personal differences and lack of discussion have led my bandmates to doubt my commitment for this band. I believe this will be discussed widely in the following days and more info will undoubtedly be out soon for your viewing pleasure. I will only say the following: These past three years have been the best times of my life and I want to thank all the friends I've gained from this, crews past and present, supporters who came to our shows and shared the good and the bad times. I will always cherish you in my heart. Thanks for my now ex-bandmates for sharing this experience with me. Life goes on and wounds will heal. The future remains to be seen.

    "Thank all of you and see you sometime, somewhere."

    Gracias fadmin


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