• The Used pierden batería

    Publicado el 14 de Septiembre de 2006 por Jorge Perez
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    The Used han anunciado que el batería Branden Steineckert ha abandonado el grupo. Podéis leer un comunicado del grupo al respecto en el interior de la noticia.

    "Dear Friends.
    It is with much sadness that we want to tell you that Branden is no longer the drummer in The Used. We felt that we needed to move forward without Branden as our drummer. We wish Branden well, and owe a great deal of gratitude towards him for his hard work over the years. We could not have gotten this far without him. We all wish much happiness and success in Branden's future endeavors - wherever they may lead. No new drummer has been chosen yet. We are almost done recording the album and it should be released in early 2007. We are very proud of the songs so far and can't wait for you to hear them.
    Love and see you soon, Bert, Jeph and Quinn"

    Gracias fadmin


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