• Baja en Knut

    Publicado el 18 de Enero de 2007 por Jorge Perez
    0 Comentarios
    Los suizos Knut han anunciado que su guitarrista Jeremy ha abandonado el grupo para centrarse en su proyecto de grindcore, Mumakil. Podéis leer un comunicado del grupo en el interior de la noticia.

    "This marks the end of an eight-plus year partnership, and a big letdown considering the atmosphere that prevailed within the band and the amount of enthusiasm towards our latest performances. We can't help thinking that the best KNUT lineup is history. Touring, but also writing, a new record is now put in a different light, that's an understatement. What the future holds for KNUT after twelve years of incredibly fulfilling activity, and what might be one too many changes in its shape and form, remains to be determined."

    Gracias fadmin


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