• Muere Pete Shelley, líder de Buzzcocks

    Publicado el 7 de Diciembre de 2018 por Jorge Azcona
    0 Comentarios
    Muere Pete Shelley, líder de Buzzcocks
    Pete Shelley, cantante de la icónica banda Buzzcocks, ha muerto a los 63 años de un ataque al corazón. Según informa la BBC, el líder de la emblemática banda de punk rock británico fallecía este mismo jueves en Estonia, país en el que residía. La propia banda tampoco ha esperado para dar la noticia.

    It's with great sadness that we confirm the death of Pete Shelley, one of the UK's most influential and prolific songwriters and co-founder of the seminal original punk band Buzzcocks. Pete's music has inspired generations of musicians over a career that spanned five decades and with his band and as a solo artist, he was held in the highest regard by the music industry and by his fans around the world.


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