No Bragging Rights
- Publicación:
- Enero 2011
- Sello:
- BlkHeart Group
- Productor:
- Género:
- punk-core
- Estilos:
- post-hardcore, melodic hardcore, punk rock
- 01. Beautiful and Spineless
- 02. 6th & Main
- 03. Weeding Out the Weak
- 04. Cease the Fire (Interlude)
- 05. Illuminator
- 06. Empire: Disarray
- 07. The Prospect
- 08. Blind Faith
- 09. Recognition
- 10. And They Threatened Us with Fire
- 11. Death of an Era
0 Comentarios
-No Bragging Rights
0 votos
No Bragging Rights -
80No Bragging Rights
1 voto
The Concrete Flower -
70No Bragging Rights
1 voto
Cycles -
-No Bragging Rights
0 votos
Illuminator -
-No Bragging Rights
0 votos
Not Quite an E.P. -
-No Bragging Rights
0 votos
The Anatomy of a Martyr -
-No Bragging Rights
0 votos
The Consequence of Dreams -
-No Bragging Rights
0 votos
Because You Believe in S...