• Dog Fashion Disco se toman un descanso

    Publicado el 13 de Octubre de 2006 por Jorge Perez
    0 Comentarios
    En respuesta a los rumores aparecidos los últimos días, Dog Fashion Disco han escrito un comunicado oficial desmintiendo su separación pero por otra parte han anunciado que van a tomarse un descanso indefinido y que no van a girar en lo que queda de año. Podéis leer este comunicado en el interior de la noticia.

    "The band is NOT DOING any touring for the rest of 2006 (which means no tour with The Esoteric or Cattle Decapitation) Which is too bad because they would be fun to tour with...

    Why are they doing this?
    Because they need to focus on other things in life that are important to them for the time being.

    It's only human to have feelings like that. They have been touring and doing the damn thing for YEARS and YEARS and nobody can dispute that. If things become "NOT FUN" then you either need to stop doing it or take a moment to chill and come back with a fresh perspectitive. We've always worked hard and toured endlessly so please respect this decision right now

    Dog Fashion Disco HAS NOT broken up. If we catch anybody going around saying that we have we will go and egg your house..true story


    Gracias fadmin


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