thrash metal / groove metal / nu metal / melodic metal
 Machine Head
  • Robb Flynn anuncia el posible final de Machine Head

    Publicado el 28 de Septiembre de 2018 por Jorge Azcona
    0 Comentarios
    Robb Flynn anuncia el posible final de Machine Head
    El lider de Machine Head, Robb Flynn, ha anunciado a través de las redes sociales de la banda un tour que servirá de despedida para Phil Demmel y Dave McClain, dos de los miembros con más peso en la historia de la banda. Por el momento se desconocen los motivos de dichas salidas y el futuro de la banda queda en el aire.

    Wednesday night, Phil Demmel quit Machine Head. Yesterday afternoon, Dave McClain quit Machine Head. And Jared…kinda quit? But didn’t know if he was quitting for sure.

    The tour is still going to go on. We have all agreed to make this a celebration of our music and this era of the band. We have grown apart as people, musically we’ve grown apart… I have held on too tight to the reigns of this band. And I have suffocated those guys. I got some rough edges, I’m kind of a barnacle, and you know, those rough edges have given us the success we have, but they’ve also hurt the people around me.

    I’ve got a lot of drive, but I’ve got a lot of anger and rage, and that drive of mine has alienated folks and the band. I ask that you respect Phil and Dave’s decision, as I respect their decision.

    And I want to say that I’m honored, and grateful for everything that they have contributed to Machine Head, which is a lot. Fifteen years with Phil, 23 years with Dave, and numerable riffs….


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