Good morning everyone this is Beth. And indeed it IS a good morning; Toxicology results are back as is the official cause of my husband's death!
Cause of death- Drowning
Toxicology- Oli was apparently self-treating for manic-depression that has run in his family for several generations. Anti-depressants were found in his system, as well as a sleep aid. The psych meds found in his system were the same ones that a close relative has been prescribed for a long time, so he knew what to hunt down for the "treatment". Seeing how he was not going (and WOULDN'T GO) to a doctor to get diagnosed with the issue and was not being prescribed the medications and monitored on them, it explains his occasional erratic behavior here at home.
As far as why the memorial was cancelled; concern for my personal safety and home due to numerous threats to both is the reason.
If anybody knows where Oli was getting the psych meds, please call CT State Police, Troop C in Tolland, CT. ... 3150759357
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All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Moderadores: zegers, fear57, Jason, Gorka
31 mensajes
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Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Viniendo de dnd venían con los últimos discos, que eran aunténtica basura, este "Victim of the New Disease" es bastante escuchable
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Entrevista en la Rockzone de este mes:
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Es mejor que lo de los vídeos lo dejen de lado, que cutrez...
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Ni tan mal
Fall Of Ideals está en mi top 5 metalcore.
Fall Of Ideals está en mi top 5 metalcore.
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Eyeless escribió:
Pues no me ha dicho mucho. Aunque es una mejora comparado con lo último que había escuchado de ellos hace ya un tiempo.
nameless escribió:Fall Of Ideals está en mi top 5 metalcore.

Eyeless escribió:
Esta si me ha gustado bastante más.
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Está chula la portada. Esperemos que recuperen el vuelo.
Los singles, sin fliparme una barbaridad, me han gustado por lo general.
Los singles, sin fliparme una barbaridad, me han gustado por lo general.
Re: All That Remains - Nuevo Disco
Buenos temas..menos los estribillos. Y la produccion me parece espectacular.
¿Quién está conectado?
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