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Gran Maestro


19 May, 2003

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por krater » Dom Oct 27, 2024 7:24 pm

El de Gaerea solo he escuchado adelantos, pero pintaban muy bien
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Clásico del Rock


2 Oct, 2013

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por salvadante » Lun Oct 28, 2024 10:58 am

A mi el de Gaerea me parece su mejor disco, le han dado la pizca justa de accesibilidad pero sin perder su lado extremo. El de Black Curse es lo más trvue de este año, la negrura en su máxima expresión.
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Gran Maestro


5 Nov, 2009

Narrow Gates

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por Millinomilesaway » Lun Oct 28, 2024 7:58 pm

roots escribió:Dos cositas nuevas.

Parecía que iba a haber revolución en el sonido por algún adelanto y no me lo ha parecido en una primera pasada.

Escena Denver, con algún miembro de Blood Incantation pero en modo cafre ennegrecido.

Ambos son la polla. No confiaba en el de Gaerea y sorpresón. Y el de Black Curse es una animalada. Menuda escena más guapa tienen allá montada
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Clásico del Rock


2 Oct, 2013

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por salvadante » Lun Nov 11, 2024 1:24 pm

Un disco inmersivo de casi 2h de black metal atmosférico:

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Gran Maestro


17 Ene, 2004

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por Eyeless » Sab Nov 16, 2024 2:12 am

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Clásico del Rock


2 Oct, 2013

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por salvadante » Lun Nov 18, 2024 10:15 am

Que discazo:

"The number seven has held special significance throughout human history. It has been revered in theology and the arts across many cultures over many eras and observed as a recurring foundational number in the study of the natural world. With Veilburner's seventh album, they have seized the opportunity to celebrate this numerological cornerstone with a musical work exalting the number seven in its basic blueprint. Seven songs, exactly seven minutes each, with additional tributes to be found in the titling conventions and lyrical structure. Thematically, the character(s) at the center of the Veilburner universe continue a journey into the abyss that began in their previous album, "VLBRNR," exploring the shadows and secrets that we keep from ourselves and embracing the idea of Rahu and Ketu (the head and the body). From this exploration, Leviathan is revealed both as the almighty “tail-eater,” that which has no beginning and no end, and that which is Egregore, the very thing that has been us all along. One cannot be whole until a weight is lifted off the shoulders; the weight of the world, our egos, our spirits, and our souls. We must lose our heads to gain enlightenment. In less experienced hands, a work with such an amassment of ambitions would represent a bite more than many could chew. Fortunately, Veilburner have always remained steadfast in their insistence on cohesion and balance as they continue to walk their musical tightrope at the point between experimentation and tradition, mad science and convention, like the seasoned craftsmen they have become over the course of seven albums to date. The title of this newest evolution, "The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom," perfectly epitomizes Veilburner's modus operandi of seamlessly blending juxtaposing forces in a coalescence of unification and realized vision. The horror of visceral violence and the tranquility of understanding are intertwined in a captivating absurdity that demands to be experienced."  
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Gran Maestro


19 May, 2003

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por krater » Jue Nov 21, 2024 12:28 am

De esto se habló en su momento?

Prog metal con dejes de avant-garde y folk.
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Gran Maestro


2 Abr, 2005

De procesión

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por eraser-head » Jue Nov 21, 2024 1:43 pm

salvadante escribió:Que discazo:


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Gran Maestro


1 Sep, 2009


Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por Wakibu » Jue Nov 21, 2024 10:48 pm

Joder, JOOOODER. Esto es criminal.

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Dios del Rock


30 Abr, 2011


Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por Hachazo » Jue Nov 21, 2024 11:14 pm

Tremendo este último, a mí es que me vuelven loco de siempre, no fallan. Con dos escuchas creo que no llega a mi favorito de ellos y de todo el brutal técnico prácticamente, que es Passages Into Deformity
Viven en casas de oro y de cristal, nada les kita el sueño! hijosdeputa!
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Clásico del Rock


2 Oct, 2013

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por salvadante » Sab Nov 23, 2024 8:40 pm

The Suns of Perdition IV concludes with its ultimate offering "To Shadow Zion" - a multi-layered title fusing the definition of Zion, in the context of "a heavenly place" or "utopia" coupling with the Jungian concept of the Shadow - together forming the vile, repressed nature of humanity with that of the sacred and of the holy. SUNS IV, in its final analysis is the last sounds of a borrowed world, where earth's last picture is painted - the terminus of all paradises lost - at Shadow Zion.

PANZERFAUST's "The Suns of Perdition: Chapter IV" marks the cataclysmic conclusion to their intense black metal series, plunging listeners into a dark exploration of humanity's collapse. This final chapter delves deep into themes of existential despair, war, spiritual desolation, and the inevitable cycles of death and rebirth. Each track paints a bleak picture of a world unraveling, with humanity losing its innocence and hope as it spirals toward destruction. Brutal and unrelenting, this apocalyptic album is a powerful statement of doom, marking a monumental end to the series.

Está bestial.
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Clásico del Rock


2 Oct, 2013

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por salvadante » Vie Nov 29, 2024 5:29 pm

Muy curioso, como si una banda de los 70 hicieran death metal. Creí que iban a sonar a Opeth, pero poco tienen que ver. La foto de la banda en bandcamp no tiene desperdicio:

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Clásico del Rock


2 Oct, 2013

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por salvadante » Mar Dic 10, 2024 8:20 pm

Magnífico álbum para ir terminando el año:

Averaging an album per year since their 2018 formation, this latest expression from the rightly-revered Swiss Atmospheric Black Metal band AARA shows no drop in quality, nor let-up in their perpetually questing sense of purpose.

In follow up to 2023's "Triade III: Nyx" - the climatic installment of the 'Melmoth' trilogy based on Charles Robert Maturin's classic Gothic novel - the band now break away from the literary and apply their stunning musicality to real-world events.

"Eiger" is conceptually focused on the 3967-metre mountain of the same name in the Bernese Alps. Since 1935, at least 64 climbers have died attempting to conquer the Eiger’s sheer, ice-covered north face which has earned it the nickname of 'Mordwand' ('murder wall'). The album specifically examines an attempt to climb the Mordwand in July 1936 which ended in tragedy, as four young mountaineers succumbed to treacherous conditions and disappeared, presumed caught in an avalanche.

AARA's music has evolved dynamically in tandem with the subject matter, becoming more visceral, tangible and hauntingly powerful. An organic and spacious production – courtesy of Markus Stock (EMPYRIUM, ALCEST) - allows the trademark elegiac, spirited leads and reverberant acoustic guitars of main-composer Berg to give increased emotional weight to a performance of on-the-edge savagery from vocalist/lyricist Fluss. The icy melodies, pensive moods, vibrant plummets and shifts/drifts contrast the wonderment of the natural world with a heightened sense of existential malaise and ultimately horror. 
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Gran Maestro


2 Sep, 2008

war for territory

Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por roots » Vie Ene 03, 2025 12:29 pm

Por lo visto el tipo de Batushka ya tiene nombre y disco.

Nunushka escribió:Eso es falta de creatividad? 17 temas!!
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Dios del Rock


30 Abr, 2011


Re: THE TRVE POST - El post de lo extremo v2

por Hachazo » Vie Ene 03, 2025 5:29 pm

Al de Aara le he metido varias escuchas y es muy bueno. Los sigo desde el primer disco y no han sacado nada que baje del notable, ademas son muy prolificos, un disco cada año.

Voy a traer dos "bandas" de black metal formadas por el mismo tio, Taurus, que ha sacado dos discos increibles el año pasado. Los que sean fans del estilo ya sabran de su hype, pero es que esta muy justificado. Quien espere cosas atmosfericas, post y demas no encontraran aqui lo que buscan, esto es black puro hecho de puta madre

Lo mas flipante es que tambien saco el año pasado disco con otro proyecto suyo, Fellwinter, que tambien esta muy bien. El tio es una maquina de los que salen pocos
Tambien saco disco a final de año Satanic Warmaster, que no me ha parecido nada del otro mundo, muy lejos de mis dos discos de black del año, Akhlys y Spectral Wound
Viven en casas de oro y de cristal, nada les kita el sueño! hijosdeputa!

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