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Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Moderadores: zegers, fear57, Jason, Gorka
45 mensajes
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Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
El disco que mas cera le estoy dando este año, me flipa la voz del cantante. Ojalá consigan reconocimiento este grupazo.
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Pues el Noir me flipó pero no los escucho desde hace eones, habrá que estar al loro.
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Justo hace poco recuperé el último, que llevaba mucho sin escucharlo, y me sigue pareciendo un disco con mucha clase
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Menudo discazo se han vuelto a sacar estos señores, soberbio! 

Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Me lo acabo de poner por primera vez y no me ha sorprendido tanto como Noir, pero seguiremos escuchándolo.
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Por fin hay movimiento por aquí, que en septiembre esto estuvo ultra saturado pero llevo meses escaso de lanzamientos interesantes. Le he pegado una escucha a las primeras y pinta guapo.
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Me está entrando fino. Sorprende menos que Noir, sí. En mi caso al menos porque les descubrí con ese y el factor sorpresa ya no está, pero ahora mismo que de este rollo escucho entre poco y nada, el disco me está pareciendo cojonudo
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Lo deja el vocalista y ya están buscando sustituto. Jo, con lo que me gustaba

We are sad to annouce the departure of our long time friend Matteo.
After 7 years together, it became obvious to the 4 of us that our ambitions and desires had gone in different directions.
The feeling was mutual and the decision came naturally.
We know this news might come as a shock for some of you guys but while Matteo will not be in Novelists anymore, he remains family to us and we are determined to continue working together through other projects such as his solo act "Salem" and else. Matteo is a very accomplished artist and we encourage you to follow him closely in all his future endeavours, as will we.
Flo, Amael and I are passionnate about continuing music together and that is what we intend on doing. We have been writing a lot since the beginning of the virus crisis and are hoping you will follow us into this new journey.
Moving forward, we are looking for the new vocalist for Novelists.
While we have already started discussing with some potential singers, we would like to keep our minds open and encourage anyone interested in filling the position to submit video auditions of one of our songs through youtube and send us links to : nicolas.delestrade@gmail.com
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/phe1f1cib4du ... saBlV7Durw
Any link of your previous work would be greatly appreciated too.
Please make sure to include your name, age, location. You can also write a little bit about yourself!
We loved each Novelists song Matteo has ever layed his voice on, but we are NOT looking for someone to imitate what only Matteo can do. We are looking to find a true artist, willing to bring his whole self in the band and with it a new perspective. We are looking to find someone to be a full part of our band.
Our friend Matteo, thank you for all you have brought to Novelists and to us personnaly over the years and we cannot wait to witness your success on whatever next it is that you decide to put your heart and time into.
We will be announcing new dates for our headliner tour in Europe which will be Matteo's last tour with us.
In the meantime, We hope you all stay safe and at home.
We will see you soon!
Nic, Amael, and Flo. Novelists
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
Joder, primero nos quedamos sin verlos en la gira y ahora esto.
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
No sabía que habían sacado disco. Bueno, sale el 25 pero lo he visto entero en Youtube. Entre el cambio de formación y la portada no me huele muy bien, pero lo escucharemos.
Re: Novelists - Noir (8 Septiembre)
A mí de es esta gente solo me gustan los temas lentos como Monochrome o After The Rain.
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